Lately I've had a truly extraordinary opportunity to serve with the full time missionaries here because one is on a Spanish speaking mission while the other is on an English speaking mission. Going on exchanges with Elder Heywood and sitting there like a lame duck as he teaches the lessons really inspired me to try to study the gospel more which has only strengthened my testimony in the importance of missionary work, keeping the commandments, and doing temple work for those that have passed on. I am so grateful that God blessed me enough to have the marvelous, true, and everlasting Gospel that was set up by Jesus Christ during His time on Earth.
These are challenging times that we live in. Times that we can often find despair. "Occasionally discouragement may darken our pathway; frustration may be a constant companion. In our ears there may sound the sophistry of Satan as he whispers, “You cannot save the world; your small efforts are meaningless. You haven’t time to be concerned for others.” Trusting in the Lord, let us turn our heads from such falsehoods and make certain our feet are firmly planted in the path of service and our hearts and souls dedicated to follow the example of the Lord. In moments when the light of resolution dims and when the heart grows faint, we can take comfort from His promise: “Be not weary in well-doing. … Out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.” Thomas S. Monson, “Finding Peace,” Ensign, Mar. 2004, 3
It really seems like everywhere you look Satan is winning. I, being somewhat of a pessimistic person, seem to see that even more than most and get discouraged easily. What, with Satan persuading the hearts of many to do evil and with Obama's step by step plan to implement communism in America (which is a whole other matter in and of itself), it just seems like there's absolutely no hope for righteousness to prevail. Many people say that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is one of hope. I finally realize why. In my mind, the world without the gospel is like a completely dark tunnel. But if we implement the gospel in there, there's suddenly a light at the end of the tunnel. A knowledge that good will TRIUMPH over evil in the last days. A security to know that we have a true and living prophet to guide us through the turbulent times. Not to mention the fact that we know that if we live righteously, we will be able to return to our Father in Heaven. How jubilant will we feel at that day? I have a picture in my room that shows the Nauvoo Temple amidst a violent storm. The temple is very bright and happy regardless the circumstances. It has a caption that says, "Refuge from the Storm." I take it to mean that even though the "Devil shall send forth his mighty whirlwinds," we can still find refuge in the temple (Hel. 5:12). Whenever I attend the temple, I can only feel peace and therefore happiness. The troubles of the world are swept from me when I enter into the doors of the House of the Lord. This is the work of God. I encourage all to jump on board and help out with the work.