So after 2 trecherous years of wearing braces they are FINALLY OFF!!! Hooray Hooray!! Hopefully they will stay off for forever because the sanding off of the glue really doesn't feel to good when your teeth get sensitive to it. But I am really excited that they are OFF like a dirty shirt!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Less Than 24 Hours Before I Don't Have Braces Anymore!
Friday, October 26, 2007
It definitely was a lot of fun taking these pictures here in Jacksonville. Capturing the old somewhat historical sights that there were to see.
Well, we were in Medford the other weekend and we wanted to see the fall colors in Jacksonville because they are usually extraordinary!
It was a lot of fun walking around the town and also to take pictures rather than do what my mother would rather of done which was look at art. Let's see, look at art, or make art! Tough tough choice.
Heck, we even saw a doe and her two fawns just walking on
the street. It was pretty neat. There are definitely a lot of
beautiful things in the world that we can take advantage of
but a lot of us just choose not to. Why you may ask? Is it
because we are just too busy or just don't care? Whatever
the answer may be may we start to realize the God given
beauty that he has given us.
but a lot of us just choose not to. Why you may ask? Is it
because we are just too busy or just don't care? Whatever
the answer may be may we start to realize the God given
beauty that he has given us.
(This may be too many pictures((most likely is)) but I just couldn't resist putting them on here!)
Fall Leaves!
Both Henley High Soccer Teams Go To Playoffs!!
So the varsity boys and girls soccer teams won against Phoenix on Tuesday thus putting them in the playoffs!! They both play Phoenix again to actually get into the state playoffs. The girls play Saturday at 10 and the boys play Tuesday at 4! Hopefully they'll both collect a win!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
What a Difference A Year Makes!
As you can tell by the title, a year can make a HUGE difference. For instance your baseball team could
be so crappy in every category and finish last in the ENTIRE league! Then the next year you rebound from your horrible season a year ago and then you win the World Series!!!!!
The same theory could be applied to student body card pictures. I see it in mine and I've seen it in Jessi's. One year you are a revolting looking child. The next year you look like a semi appealing kid. (At least in my case. Jessi's on the other hand was comepletely past beautiful).
P.S. The pictures on the top aren't the greatest as you might be able to tell but you can get the idea.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sites Upcoming: Seatle's Space Needle

With Brad and Molly's upcoming wedding we are going to be getting acquianted with the whole wedding things all over again obviously. But with the wedding in Seattle we will be arriving there shortly after Christmas for the most important time (practically) in Brad and Molly's married lives. They are getting married in the Seattle, Washington temple and will be having the reception somewhere in the city of Seattle then after their honeymoon they come down to the best town in the world K-Town to have the reception in the Ross Ragland.
Friday, October 5, 2007
My Best Friend!
I was in health class the other day, and we were doing some vocab. One of the words we had the define was friendship. The definition roughly of it is a give and take relationship that is based on trust, similar interests, and something that I can't remember. My teacher also said that you also are you tell them things that you might not tell anyone else. That's when I realized that Jessi is my best friend and has been for a really long time.
Cougar Sports

So that is where the football team stands and where I stand in the cougar sports update.
I'm Travis Mortenson reporting from my computer, and now back to you guys in your home.
Some of the Fam
The picture on the bottom is a picture of Julie, Jena, Jessi, my mom, Brynlie and myself. We were in Newport, Oregon and were just killing time before Joshs' race in Eugene. So we figured that we would just go to Newport and see the coast a well as see the seals. It was a lot of fun. The Picture on the top is a picture that I took of Josh in the race that he had in Eugene. Once we got to the race, Jena had to do her pre-race ritual of seeing Josh and giving him a kiss. (I can't find fault in that.) So Josh went on to win the race. That race was really cool. And not only did Josh win that race, he won all of his other races including the Cross Country Division 1 National Championships. The picture in the middle is a picture of one of Julie's 2 kids, Brynlie. She is so freaking awesome. I love that kid. When we were in Newport we were in a store of jewelry (Jessi's preference) Jena and I were getting Brynlie to make funny faces and so this is one of them.
These are pictures that I took of the Portland, Oregon temple. They may not be the best photo's in the entire world. But hey that's why I'm an amatuer. And you might not be able to tell because all that it shows is Captain Moroni. Captain Moroni was such an awesome guy and I'm glad that he's the one that is on top of the temples. (There were many great people to pick from.) But anywho the temple is such an awesome place.
This Is Who You Could Call Myself
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I love to take pictures. To capture sometime in history that will never pass in history ever again. Something that captures anyone's eye and they think, wow! I think that I get this love from my father (who I think took the picture on the top. I took the picture on the bottom). I just love how you can just by the click of a button capture a small split second in the whole history of the earth. Going to early morning seminary has defintitely gotten my out of bed way earlier than I normally would. But on the way home from seminary I see such amazing sights and I can just marvel at the beauty that is placed before me. I just wish that I could have a camera in my head so that I could capture that extravagant image and then put it into the computer. It is just amazing to see the beauty that God has placed before us. It's kind of cool if you think about it. You see something that someone might not ever get to witness. Like it's just been placed here on earth for you.
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